My TWO All Star Baseball Players

YUP, Jared's season was not over like we thought ~ he made the 9 and under all star team! ~ for which they played in three tournaments. He did very well, and just enjoyed himself. The team did lose almost every game.....well every game.....but they still played their little hearts out!

Randy's all star team has one last tournament this weekend (making it the 4th for him) playing in Bellwood this time. Daddy has been so very busy planning and coordinating the whole tournament and I am busy taking photos for posters. This past weekend we had the 10 and under tourney and the parents loved seeing instant photos of their boyz in action! (thanks dinda!) I did take a humongo printer to the field with me and as I created the posters, I was able to print a proof page for them to see and they instantly said "yes! I want one!" woo hoo! I did pretty fair for one small tourney ~ we will see how it goes with this one.


The Rivers Family said...

I want one like that! So cute!