Look who just turned 12!

So this year was a big year for Randy and in my sisters words ..."you guys aren't fuddy duddy's anymore!" lol We got Randy his own cell phone this year, and a texting plan was a must! He loves it! We also have peace of mind that he will be able to call us anytime to let us know where he is ~ (thinking more of baseball season and back and forth between the two fields...)

Mimi and Papa helped us in opening Randy's gift ~ I gave them his new number, and when they called it, he had to find the package, and open it and then receive his very first phone call! He was thrilled!

Jared was also very thrilled and recognized what it was before Randy did!

Mimi and papa sang happy birthday to him....and sent him some mooola to purchase the muchly loved trading cards! He will love being able to get more than just one box next trip to the store!

Here, he opened a gifted specially made my Uncle Allen and he loved it so much he took a picture of it, and uses it as his wall paper on his cell phone!

He got a Juke phone, that is capable of playing music ~ now we just have to figure that part out!

Aunt Dinda also provided him with ringtones so as soon as we can get him on line, he can find a song he likes and that will be what he hears when people call him ~ thanks so much to mimi, papa, aunt dinda, uncle charlie, tyler & uncle allen!! love randy

Jared gave his brother a steelers fleece blanket for his birthday.....

....and Grammer and Pap Pap gave him his first "real" gun! Its two guns in one in which you change out the barrels. One barrel is a 20 gauge shot gun, and the other barrel is a 22 rifle. He imediately put it together and went outside for some target practice! Thanks grammer and pap pap! love Randy


The Rivers Family said...

What a great birthday! Notice Jared checking out the phone while Randy was putting his gun together? Funny!

Corey Pittman said...

Very nice phone. I know a lot of people who have that one. Before long you will have to have a "text thumb" plan for the doctor. :-)