Afternoon at the Lake

Lotsa Dirt!

End of Week One for South Side

My Vikings!

OK ~ here they are! The football season is under way this week with two practices a day for the first week, then only in the evenings after school starts. They are two very tired and sore guys right now, but they will get into shape real quick! They love football! You can check out the Vikings blog by clicking on the link in the side bar here in this blog.

Camp Sandy Cove


While the boyz are away at camp Randy and I decided to do something special for them. They both have long outgrown the swing set, and you can only swim for so long, so we thought they would truly enjoy a place to play basketball. It would not only give them hours and hours of fun, but great outside activities for them and friends.

Here is the beginning of our project ~ trying to figure out where it will all sit. The small form in front here will be for my gazebo later on =-) but since we were having concrete poured we did both at the same time to save $$!

After we got the forms set and rock layed down, we decided to move the extra dirt up to the form for added support. Well, Jazmyn claimed rights to the pile of dirt and kept giving Randy the "whatchadoin" look every time he took a shovel full away! It was a nice cool place for her to rest from the heat of the day. We called her the forman of the jobsite! lol

The morning of the delivery!

All done with that part! We were so nervous about how hard or difficult this job would be with only the two of us and one of Randy's friends (and co-worker). It was really not that bad! (ok, it was still nerve racking to get it done before it all sets up, but so cool to be done~!)


The boyz came home Sunday afternoon, and to their surprise ~ they found the basketball pad! Can you tell by their expressions they are super duper happy! Seeing their faces made all the hard work and sweat totally worth it!

Golf anyone?

One Saturday morning, the boyz were outside playing golf in the yard ~ when I heard a different voice I looked out and saw our pastor out there playing right along with them! Randy had told him before that if he ever wanted to brush up on his golfing skills, he could come out and use our "par 3" course. Well, he drove up that day started to play the course with the boyz. Of course Jared was done playing much sooner than the other two, so he got in the pool. Pastor and Randy starting hitting the balls in the pool and Jared retrieved them and threw them back out ~ (Pastor Ken called him the automatic ball return ~ haha) it was alot of fun for them! and pastor got to spend some quality time with both boyz and he enjoyed that to.

It's so Quiet

It has been so different not having the boyz around. I try to keep busy with things around the house, but I find myself just sitting and waiting to here "mom, I'm hungry", or "mom! make him stop!" ~ I miss it ~ I miss my boyz ~ I know they are having a great time, though.

Randy's mom did call yesterday after they arrived and got the boyz settled in and I was soooo thankful for that phone call. She said they were checked in, and she helped them put their stuff away, and helped them get their beds made and they had met their counselors. Jared connected with his through sports and Randy connected with his through hunting. I think that helped ease their transition as well.

I will hear from mom again sometime Tuesday or Wednesday with an update on how they are doing. So then you will have an update on mommy at that time ~

In the meantime ~ daddy and I will have a special suprise waiting for the boyz when they get back. We are working on a concrete pad for them to play basketball. (they have so outgrown the swingset that has been negleted) And the one thing Randy would like to have when he gets back is a special dinner for the four of us ~ Meatloaf and mashed potatoes~ so of course I will be sure to have all the ingredients for that~!